Industry Portal
Welcome to the Albany County Tourism Board industry portal. Visit Laramie’s mission as a destination marketing organization is to obtain national and international recognition for Albany County, to showcase the area as a multi-seasonal destination having endless possibilities, and to realize full visitor potential. Connecting travelers with the businesses in our county is the key to building a memorable visitor experience, spreading the impact of the visitor dollar throughout our community.
Thank You Laramie Businesses!
Your Impact for 2022:
If you run a local business or provide a unique service that draws outside-county visitation, Visit Laramie can provide you with a free marketing listing on
Listings are shown on their respective category page like Things to Do, Restaurants, Lodging, and more
Pages receive thousands of visitors every month
Share your story, contact information, photos, and event updates
Increase your strength in search engines
Connect to convention planners, tour operators, visitors, and residents
Listing Portal Login
If you already have a login, click here to access your listing and events via the extranet. Be sure to check your listing regularly. Updates or changes to listings are the responsibility of the authorized business users. If you do not yet have a login, refer to the "Requesting an Account" section below. Refer back to the extranet training video here for a full guide.
Listing Guidelines
There is no charge to have a listing on However, all required information must be filled out and guidelines met to obtain approval.
With the exception of meeting, wedding, and conference services, the listings on are visitor-facing and must be a driver of tourism. Largely, whether or not a business or service qualifies for a listing can be answered by the question, "Is this business an activity or experience that would prompt a leisure traveler to plan a trip to Laramie rather than elsewhere?" For the most part, we do not post community services like grocery stores, vehicle repair, salons, or medical services, even though these types of businesses are resources utilized by visitors regularly. These community services are not themselves a unique driver of tourism.
Some other considerations that will qualify or disqualify a business:
Whether the business is a bookable leisure activity.
Whether the business has a physical location in our county with regular hours open to visitors.
Whether visitors are common customers for your business or service.
Whether the business is open to the general public.
Whether the business is an event planning resource (for weddings, conferences, or meetings).
Request an Account:
Before creating a new account request, please check that your business does not already exist on by searching for your business in the top right corner. Many of our local businesses already have accounts that we had previously posted to the website. However, if you believe your business qualifies for a listing and is not already shown, fill out our account qualification form here. The creation of an account is up to the discretion of the Albany County Tourism Board. To gain access to an account that already exists, reach out to Emma at events[at] or call 307-745-4195.
Visit Laramie reviews all requests before going live and reserves the right to approve/ decline and/or edit any business listing/account request.
For Assistance
With questions about our industry portal, please reach out to Emma at events[at] or call 307-745-4195. You may also use the Contact page or refer back to our Training Video.
List a Calendar Event
Your industry portal login also gives greater access to easily submitting events to our events calendar. The Visit Laramie events calendar is a valuable resource for travelers planning their trip to Laramie and Albany County. It also serves as a community calendar for all of our cities and towns. This is a great free benefit offered to all local businesses and event promoters to help promote your event. The main page is seen by nearly 2,000 monthly potential visitors and residents and is a top 5 page on our website. To be considered for our calendar, your event must meet the guidelines detailed in our event submission guidelines.
Logging in with the industry portal is a great way to streamline the event submission process. It gives the option to copy previous event details, which makes things super convenient.
Plan an Event
If you are planning a Laramie event, meeting, reunion, conference, or wedding, we are happy to help connect you with vendors to help pull off an incredible gathering. Spend a little time getting to know the resources available to you in Laramie so you can spend less time connecting and more time creating a flawless event.
Our Event Resource Guide is a hub for meeting spaces, catering services, musicians, attractions, decor, promotional items, wedding services, photographers, and more. The event resource guide is the most comprehensive resource on the website that lists meeting space square footage, max capacity, services provided, lodging block availability, and more.
View the Event Resource Guide
Market with Visit Laramie
The Albany County Tourism Board maintains major social media platform profiles as avenues for travel inspiration. Be sure to tag us, @visitlaramie, in your business Instagram posts, stories, events, and Facebook marketing for us to reshare to our own posts and stories. It is our goal to elevate the marketing of our partners and help amplify the work you do as a business. So let us know! We also follow the hashtag #visitlaramie.
If you have photos or videos to share that you think would be great for our destination marketing, please submit them to our photo collector or email them to marketing[at]
Industry Portal Training Video
If you missed our live trainings, view our recording here: